Category: Uncategorized
A Rally and Political Warfare
Read More: A Rally and Political WarfareThe rights protected in the first amendment from infringement by the government (whether federal or local) includes speech, assembly, religion, redress of grievances and freedom of the press. While the press is free to speak politically and also free to speak however they choose. They have protected speech. The first amendment was designed to curtail…
Liability and Mandates
Read More: Liability and MandatesOpinion: Mandated Vaccinations — Who is responsible for their risks?
Flatten the Curve of Tyranny
Read More: Flatten the Curve of TyrannyCalifornia, New York & New Jersey utilize the same Vaccine Passport system and embrace tyranny and overreach simultaneously. The good Citizens of each of the aforementioned states stand in opposition to the tyranny and unconstitutionality of the actions taken. Yet it spreads daily. The coordination of tyrants is frightening and powerful. Coordinated attacks require a…
agent provocateur
Read More: agent provocateur: one employed to associate with suspected persons and by pretending sympathy with their aims to incite them to some incriminating action Churches have been known to have a provocateur. The enemy, the devil himself, would love to see distractions promoted. Often this agent is elegantly disguised and quite influential. He/she does very little except…
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